§ 36-114. Board to hear appeals.
The Review Board shall have the power and duty to hear all appeals fromdecisions arising under application of the Building Code, the VirginiaAmusement Device Regulations adopted pursuant to § 36-98.3, the FirePrevention Code adopted under the Statewide Fire Prevention Code Act (§ 27-94et seq.), and rules and regulations implementing the Industrialized BuildingSafety Law (§ 36-70 et seq.), and to render its decision on any such appeal,which decision shall be final if no appeal is made therefrom. Proceedings ofthe Review Board shall be governed by the provisions of the AdministrativeProcess Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), except that an informal conference pursuantto § 2.2-4019 shall not be required.
(1972, c. 829; 1977, c. 423; 1986, cc. 37, 429; 1994, c. 406; 2003, c. 650;2010, c. 63.)