§ 36-99.3. Smoke detectors and automatic sprinkler systems in colleges anduniversities.
A. College or university buildings containing dormitories for sleepingpurposes shall be provided with battery or AC powered smoke detector devicesinstalled therein in accordance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code. Allpublic or private college and university dormitories shall have installed anduse due diligence in maintaining in good working order such detectorsregardless of when the building was constructed.
B. The Board of Housing and Community Development shall promulgateregulations pursuant to item (ii) of subdivision C5 of section 2.2-4006establishing standards for automatic sprinkler systems throughout all publicor private college or university buildings which are (i) more thanseventy-five feet or more than six stories high and (ii) used, in whole or inpart, as dormitories to house students. Such buildings shall be equipped withautomatic sprinkler systems by September 1, 1999, regardless of when suchbuildings were constructed.
C. The chief administrative office of the college or university shall obtaina certificate of compliance with the provisions of this section from thebuilding official of the locality in which the college or university islocated or in the case of state-owned buildings, from the Director of theDepartment of General Services.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any dormitory at astate-supported military college or university which is patrolled twenty-fourhours a day by military guards.
(1982, c. 357; 1997, c. 584.)