§ 36-99.5:1. Smoke detectors and other fire detection and suppression systemsin assisted living facilities, adult day care centers and nursing homes andfacilities.
A. Battery- or AC-powered smoke detector devices shall be installed in allassisted living facilities and adult day care centers licensed by theDepartment of Social Services, regardless of when the building wasconstructed. The location and installation of the smoke detectors shall bedetermined by the Uniform Statewide Building Code.
The licensee shall obtain a certificate of compliance from the buildingofficial of the locality in which the facility or center is located, or inthe case of state-owned buildings, from the Department of General Services.
The licensee shall maintain the smoke detector devices in good working order.
B. The Board of Housing and Community Development shall promulgateregulations in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 etseq.) establishing standards for requiring (i) smoke detectors and (ii) suchother fire detection and suppression systems as deemed necessary by the Boardto increase the safety of persons in assisted living facilities, residentialdwelling units designed or developed and marketed to senior citizens, nursinghomes and nursing facilities. All nursing homes and nursing facilities whichare already equipped with sprinkler systems shall comply with regulationsrelating to smoke detectors.
(1988, c. 55; 1990, cc. 448, 703; 1992, c. 356; 1993, cc. 957, 993; 2004, c.584.)