§ 36-139. Powers and duties of Director.
The Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development shallhave the following responsibilities:
1. Collecting from the governmental subdivisions of the Commonwealthinformation relevant to their planning and development activities, boundarychanges, changes of forms and status of government, intergovernmentalagreements and arrangements, and such other information as he may deemnecessary.
2. Making information available to communities, planning districtcommissions, service districts and governmental subdivisions of theCommonwealth.
3. Providing professional and technical assistance to, and cooperating with,any planning agency, planning district commission, service district, andgovernmental subdivision engaged in the preparation of development plans andprograms, service district plans, or consolidation agreements.
4. Assisting the Governor in the providing of such state financial aid as maybe appropriated by the General Assembly in accordance with § 15.2-4216.
5. Administering federal grant assistance programs, including funds from theAppalachian Regional Commission, the Economic Development Administration andother such federal agencies, directed at promoting the development of theCommonwealth's communities and regions.
6. Developing state community development policies, goals, plans and programsfor the consideration and adoption of the Board with the ultimate authorityfor adoption to rest with the Governor and the General Assembly.
7. Developing a Consolidated Plan to guide the development and implementationof housing programs and community development in the Commonwealth for thepurpose of meeting the housing and community development needs of theCommonwealth and, in particular, those of low-income and moderate-incomepersons, families and communities.
8. Determining present and future housing requirements of the Commonwealth onan annual basis and revising the Consolidated Plan, as necessary tocoordinate the elements of housing production to ensure the availability ofhousing where and when needed.
9. Assuming administrative coordination of the various state housing programsand cooperating with the various state agencies in their programs as theyrelate to housing.
10. Establishing public information and educational programs relating tohousing; devising and administering programs to inform all citizens abouthousing and housing-related programs that are available on all levels ofgovernment; designing and administering educational programs to preparefamilies for home ownership and counseling them during their first years ashomeowners; and promoting educational programs to assist sponsors in thedevelopment of low and moderate income housing as well as programs to lessenthe problems of rental housing management.
11. Administering the provisions of the Industrialized Building Safety Law (§36-70 et seq.).
12. Administering the provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code (§36-97 et seq.).
13. Establishing and operating a Building Code Academy for the training ofpersons in the content, application, and intent of specified subject areas ofthe building and fire prevention regulations promulgated by the Board ofHousing and Community Development.
14. Administering, in conjunction with the federal government, andpromulgating any necessary regulations regarding energy standards forexisting buildings as may be required pursuant to federal law.
15. Identifying and disseminating information to local governments about theavailability and utilization of federal and state resources.
16. Administering, with the cooperation of the Department of Health, stateassistance programs for public water supply systems.
17. Advising the Board on matters relating to policies and programs of theVirginia Housing Partnership Revolving Fund.
18. Designing and establishing program guidelines to meet the purposes of theVirginia Housing Partnership Revolving Fund and to carry out the policies andprocedures established by the Board.
19. Preparing agreements and documents for loans and grants to be made fromthe Virginia Housing Partnership Revolving Fund; soliciting, receiving,reviewing and selecting the applications for which loans and grants are to bemade from such fund; directing the Virginia Housing Development Authority asto the closing and disbursing of such loans and grants and as to theservicing and collection of such loans; directing the Virginia HousingDevelopment Authority as to the regulation and monitoring of the ownership,occupancy and operation of the housing developments and residential housingfinanced or assisted by such loans and grants; and providing direction andguidance to the Virginia Housing Development Authority as to the investmentof moneys in such fund.
20. Advising the Board on matters relating to policies for the low-incomehousing credit and administering the approval of low-income housing creditsas provided in § 36-55.63.
21. Establishing and administering program guidelines for a statewidehomeless intervention program.
22. Administering 15 percent of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(LIHEAP) Block Grant and any contingency funds awarded and carry over funds,furnishing home weatherization and associated services to low-incomehouseholds within the Commonwealth in accordance with applicable federal lawand regulations.
23. Developing a strategy concerning the expansion of affordable, accessiblehousing for older Virginians and Virginians with disabilities, includingsupportive services.
24. Serving as the Executive Director of the Commission on Local Governmentas prescribed in § 15.2-2901 and perform all other duties of that position asprescribed by law.
25. Developing a strategy, in consultation with the Virginia HousingDevelopment Authority, for the creation and implementation of housingprograms and community development for the purpose of meeting the housingneeds of persons who have been released from federal, state, and localcorrectional facilities into communities.
26. Administering the Private Activity Bonds program in Chapter 50 (§15.2-5000 et seq.) of Title 15.2 jointly with the Virginia Small BusinessFinancing Authority and the Virginia Housing Development Authority.
27. Carrying out such other duties as may be necessary and convenient to theexercise of powers granted to the Department.
(1977, c. 613; 1978, cc. 737, 751; 1981, cc. 309, 315; 1982, c. 36; 1986, c.427; 1988, c. 687; 1989, cc. 258, 279; 1992, c. 754; 1994, cc. 44, 140; 1998,c. 693; 2002, cc. 245, 461, 555; 2003, c. 197; 2006, c. 721; 2007, cc. 647,741; 2008, c. 445.)