§ 36-141. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Board" means the Board of Housing and Community Development.
"Fund" means the Virginia Housing Partnership Revolving Fund created bythis chapter.
"HDA" means the Virginia Housing Development Authority created in Chapter1.2 (§ 36-55.24 et seq.) of this title.
"Housing development" or "housing project" means any work or undertaking,whether new construction or rehabilitation, which is designed and financedpursuant to the provisions of this chapter for the primary purpose ofproviding affordable sanitary, decent and safe dwelling accommodations forpersons and families of low or moderate income in need of housing; such workor undertaking may include any buildings, land, equipment, facilities, orother real or personal properties which are necessary, convenient, ordesirable appurtenances, including but not limited to streets, sewers,utilities, parks, site preparation, landscaping, and such offices, and othernonhousing facilities incidental to such development or project such asadministrative, community, health, educational and recreational facilities asthe Department of Housing and Community Development determines to benecessary. "Low and moderate income" shall be defined in the programguidelines developed by the Department of Housing and Community Development.
"Housing sponsor" means individuals, joint ventures, partnerships, limitedpartnerships, public bodies, trusts, firms, associations, or other legalentities or any combination thereof, corporations, cooperatives andcondominiums, approved by the Department of Housing and Community Developmentas qualified either to own, construct, acquire, rehabilitate, operate, manageor maintain a housing development, whether nonprofit or organized for limitedprofit subject to the regulatory powers of the Department of Housing andCommunity Development and other terms and conditions set forth in thischapter.
"Residential housing" means a specific work or improvement within thisCommonwealth, whether multi-family residential housing or single-familyresidential housing undertaken primarily to provide dwelling accommodations,including the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, preservation orimprovement of land, buildings and improvements thereto, for residentialhousing, and such other nonhousing facilities as may be incidental, related,or appurtenant thereto.
(1988, c. 687.)