§ 37.2-1006. Counsel for respondent.
The respondent has the right to be represented by counsel of the respondent'schoice. If the respondent is not represented by counsel, the court mayappoint legal counsel, upon the filing of the petition or at any time priorto the entry of the order upon request of the respondent or the guardian adlitem, if the court determines that counsel is needed to protect therespondent's interest. Counsel appointed by the court shall be paid a feethat is fixed by the court to be taxed as part of the costs of the proceeding.
A health care provider shall disclose or make available to the attorney, uponrequest, any information, records, and reports concerning the respondent thatthe attorney determines necessary to perform his duties under this section,including a copy of the evaluation report required under § 37.2-1005.
(1997, c. 921, § 37.1-134.12; 2004, cc. 66, 1014; 2005, c. 716.)