§ 37.2-1014. Clerk to index findings of incapacity or restoration; notice toCommissioner, commissioner of accounts, Secretary of Board of Elections, andCCRE.
A. A copy of the findings of the court, if the person is found to beincapacitated or restored to capacity, shall be filed by the judge with theclerk of the circuit court. The clerk shall properly index the findings inthe index to deed books by reference to the order book and page whereon theorder is spread and shall immediately notify the Commissioner in accordancewith § 37.2-1029, the commissioner of accounts in order to ensure complianceby a conservator with the duties imposed pursuant to §§ 37.2-1022 through37.2-1024 and § 37.2-1027, and the Secretary of the State Board of Electionswith the information required by § 24.2-410. If a guardian is appointed, theclerk shall forward a copy of the court order to the local department ofsocial services of the jurisdiction where the person then resides. If aguardianship is terminated or otherwise modified, the clerk shall forward acopy of the court order to the local department of social services to whichthe original order of appointment was forwarded and, if different, to thelocal department of social services in the jurisdiction where the person thenresides.
B. The clerk shall certify and forward forthwith to the Central CriminalRecords Exchange, on a form provided by the Exchange, a copy of any orderadjudicating a person incapacitated under this article and any order ofrestoration of capacity under § 37.2-1012. The copy of the form and the ordershall be kept confidential in a separate file and used only to determine aperson's eligibility to possess, purchase, or transfer a firearm.
(1997, c. 921, § 37.1-134.18; 1998, c. 582; 2001, cc. 478, 479, 507; 2005, c.716.)