§ 37.2-1100. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Disorder" includes any physical or mental disorder or impairment, whethercaused by injury, disease, genetics, or other cause.
"Incapable of making an informed decision" means unable to understand thenature, extent, or probable consequences of a proposed treatment or unable tomake a rational evaluation of the risks and benefits of the proposedtreatment as compared with the risks and benefits of alternatives to thetreatment. Persons with dysphasia or other communication disorders who arementally competent and able to communicate shall not be considered incapableof giving informed consent.
"Treatment" includes the provision, withholding, or withdrawal of aspecific treatment or course of treatment upon a showing that therequirements of subsection G of § 37.2-1101 have been met.
(1997, c. 921, § 37.1-134.21; 1999, cc. 814, 946, 985; 2003, c. 790; 2004,cc. 66, 104, 1014; 2005, cc. 716, 751.)