§ 37.2-1102. Certain actions may not be authorized.
The following actions may not be authorized under this chapter:
1. Nontherapeutic sterilization, abortion, or psychosurgery.
2. Admission to a training center or a hospital. However, the court may issuean order under § 37.2-1101 authorizing treatment of a person whose admissionto a training center or hospital has been or is simultaneously beingauthorized under § 37.2-805, 37.2-806, 37.2-807, or §§ 37.2-809 through37.2-813, or of a person who is subject to an order of involuntary admissionpreviously or simultaneously issued under §§ 37.2-814 through 37.2-819 or ofChapter 9 (§ 37.2-900 et seq.) of this title.
3. Administration of antipsychotic medication for a period to exceed 180 daysor electroconvulsive therapy for a period to exceed 60 days pursuant to anypetition filed under this section. The court may authorize electroconvulsivetherapy only if it is demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence, whichshall include the testimony of a licensed psychiatrist, that all otherreasonable forms of treatment have been considered and that electroconvulsivetherapy is the most effective treatment for the person. Even if the court hasauthorized administration of antipsychotic medication or electroconvulsivetherapy hereunder, these treatments may be administered over the person'sobjection only if he is subject to an order of involuntary admission,including involuntary outpatient treatment, previously or simultaneouslyissued under §§ 37.2-814 through 37.2-819 or Chapter 9 (§ 37.2-900 et seq.)of this title, or the provisions of Chapter 11 (§ 19.2-167 et seq.) orChapter 11.1 (§ 19.2-182.2 et seq.) of Title 19.2.
4. Restraint or transportation of the person, unless it finds upon clear andconvincing evidence that restraint or transportation is necessary to theadministration of an authorized treatment for a physical disorder.
(1997, c. 921, § 37.1-134.21; 1999, cc. 814, 946, 985; 2003, c. 790; 2004,cc. 66, 104, 1014; 2005, cc. 716, 751.)