§ 37.2-1109. Use of electronic communication.
A. Petitions and orders for emergency custody and temporary detentionpursuant to § 37.2-1103 or 37.2-1104 may be filed, issued, served, orexecuted by electronic means, with or without the use of two-way electronicvideo and audio communication, and returned in the same manner with the sameforce, effect, and authority as an original document. All signatures thereonshall be treated as original signatures.
B. Any judge or special justice may conduct proceedings pursuant to thischapter using any two-way electronic video and audio communication system toprovide for the appearance of any parties and witnesses. Any two-wayelectronic video and audio communication system used to conduct a proceedingshall meet the standards set forth in subsection B of § 19.2-3.1. When awitness whose testimony would be helpful to the conduct of the proceeding isnot able to be physically present, his testimony may be received using atelephonic communication system.
(2005, cc. 51, 716.)