§ 37.2-203. Powers and duties of Board.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To develop and establish programmatic and fiscal policies governing theoperation of state hospitals, training centers, community services boards,and behavioral health authorities;
2. To ensure the development of long-range programs and plans for mentalhealth, mental retardation, and substance abuse services provided by theDepartment, community services boards, and behavioral health authorities;
3. To review and comment on all budgets and requests for appropriations forthe Department prior to their submission to the Governor and on allapplications for federal funds;
4. To monitor the activities of the Department and its effectiveness inimplementing the policies of the Board;
5. To advise the Governor, Commissioner, and General Assembly on mattersrelating to mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse;
6. To adopt regulations that may be necessary to carry out the provisions ofthis title and other laws of the Commonwealth administered by theCommissioner or the Department;
7. To ensure the development of programs to educate citizens about and elicitpublic support for the activities of the Department, community servicesboards, and behavioral health authorities;
8. To ensure that the Department assumes the responsibility for providing foreducation and training of school-age consumers in state facilities, pursuantto § 37.2-312; and
9. To change the names of state facilities.
Prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any regulation regardingsubstance abuse services, the Board shall, in addition to the procedures setforth in the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), present theproposed regulation to the Substance Abuse Services Council, establishedpursuant to § 2.2-2696, at least 30 days prior to the Board's action for theCouncil's review and comment.
(Code 1950, §§ 37-1, 37-2, 37-4, 37-5, 37-34; 1954, c. 668; 1960, c. 133;1968, c. 477, §§ 37.1-10, 37.1-34; 1976, cc. 671, 739, § 37.1-223; 1979, c.41; 1980, c. 582; 1984, c. 720; 1985, c. 207; 1998, c. 724; 2005, c. 716.)