§ 37.2-204. Appointments to state and local human rights committees.
The Board shall appoint a state human rights committee that shall appointlocal human rights committees to address alleged violations of consumers'human rights. One-third of the appointments made to the state or local humanrights committees shall be current or former consumers or family members ofcurrent or former consumers, with at least two consumers who are receiving orwho have received within five years of their initial appointment public orprivate mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse treatment orhabilitation services on each committee. In addition, at least oneappointment to the state and each local human rights committee shall be ahealth care provider. Remaining appointments shall include lawyers andpersons with interest, knowledge, or training in the mental health, mentalretardation, or substance abuse field. No current employee of the Department,a community services board, or a behavioral health authority shall serve as amember of the state human rights committee. No current employee of theDepartment, a community services board, a behavioral health authority, or anyfacility, program, or organization licensed or funded by the Department orfunded by a community services board or behavioral health authority shallserve as a member of any local human rights committee that serves anoversight function for the employing facility, program, or organization.
(1999, c. 969, § 37.1-84.3; 2001, c. 453; 2005, cc. 201, 716.)