§ 37.2-311. Review of applications for state or federal funds or servicesused in substance abuse programs.
A. No state agency that is authorized to issue final approval or disapprovalof or to make a final review and comment on any application for state fundsor services that are to be used in a substance abuse program shall take finalaction on an application until the application is first reviewed andcommented on by the Department to determine its compatibility with thecomprehensive interagency state plan for substance abuse services, andthereafter the review and comment by the Department shall remain a part ofthe application documents.
B. Every applicant for any state funds, services, loans, grants-in-aid, ormatching funds that are to be used in connection with any substance abuseprogram shall submit a copy of the application for those funds, services,loans, grants-in-aid, or matching funds to the Department for review andcomment simultaneously with submission of the application to the fundingsource.
C. The Department shall review and comment on each application within 45 daysafter receiving the application or in accordance with the requirements of thefunding source.
D. Every applicant for any federal funds that are to be used in connectionwith any substance abuse program shall submit a summary of the applicationfor those funds to the Department for review and comment simultaneously withsubmission of the application to the funding source. If the application isapproved, the applicant shall then provide the Department with a completecopy of the application as funded within 45 days of receiving officialnotification of funding.
E. Each state agency requesting an appropriation or a change in an existingappropriation from the General Assembly for substance abuse programs shallsubmit the request to the Department for review and comment to determine itscompatibility with the comprehensive interagency state plan for substanceabuse services and shall supply the Department with all relevant information,including a full report on funds expended pursuant to prior appropriations.The Department shall provide the Governor and the General Assembly with itsassessment of each request by a state agency for an appropriation or a changein an existing appropriation.
(1976, c. 767, § 37.1-206; 1980, c. 582; 1998, c. 724; 2005, c. 716; 2008, c.83.)