§ 37.2-401. Legally authorized representative prohibition.
No employee of the Department, a state hospital or training center, acommunity services board or behavioral health authority, a community servicesboard or behavioral health authority contractor, or any other public orprivate program or facility licensed or funded by the Department shall serveas a legally authorized representative for a consumer being treated in anystate hospital or training center, community services board or behavioralhealth authority, community services board or behavioral health authoritycontractor, or other licensed or funded public or private program orfacility, unless the employee is a relative or legal guardian of the consumer.
(1974, c. 335, § 37.1-84.1; 1976, c. 671; 1989, cc. 459, 591; 1992, c. 603;1999, c. 969; 2005, c. 716.)