§ 37.2-415. Provisional and conditional licenses.
The Commissioner may issue a provisional license to a provider that haspreviously been fully licensed when the provider is temporarily unable tocomply with all licensing standards. The maximum term of a provisionallicense shall be six months. The license may be renewed, but in no case,whether renewed or not, shall the total period of provisional licensing belonger than 12 successive months. A provisional license shall be prominentlydisplayed by the provider at the site of the affected service and shallindicate thereon the violations of licensing standards to be corrected andthe expiration date of the license.
The Commissioner may issue a conditional license to a provider to operate anew service in order to permit the provider to demonstrate compliance withall licensing standards. The maximum term of a conditional license shall besix months. A conditional license may be renewed, but in no case, whetherrenewed or not, shall the total period of conditional licensing be longerthan 12 successive months.
(1980, c. 582, § 37.1-183.2; 1990, c. 311; 2001, cc. 486, 506; 2005, c. 716.)