§ 37.2-420. Offer or payment of remuneration in exchange for referralprohibited.
No provider licensed pursuant to this article shall knowingly and willfullyoffer or pay any remuneration directly or indirectly, in cash or in kind, toinduce any practitioner of the healing arts or any clinical psychologistlicensed under the provisions of Chapters 29 (§ 54.1-2900 et seq.) and 36(54.1-3600 et seq.) of Title 54.1 to refer an individual or individuals toany service of the provider. The term "remuneration" excludes any payments,business arrangements, or payment practices not prohibited by Title 42,Section 1320a-7b (b) of the United States Code, as amended, or anyregulations adopted pursuant thereto.
(1990, c. 379, § 37.1-186.1; 1996, cc. 937, 980; 2001, cc. 486, 506; 2005, c.716.)