§ 37.2-423. Office created; appointment of Inspector General for BehavioralHealth and Developmental Services.
There is hereby created the Office of Inspector General for Behavioral Healthand Developmental Services to inspect, monitor, and review the quality ofservices provided in state facilities and by providers as defined in §37.2-403, including licensed mental health treatment units in statecorrectional facilities. The Inspector General shall be appointed by theGovernor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, and shall reportto the Governor. The Inspector General shall be appointed initially for aterm that expires one full year following the end of the Governor's term ofoffice, and, thereafter, the term shall be for four years. Vacancies shall befilled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired term and shall beeffective until 30 days after the next meeting of the ensuing GeneralAssembly and, if confirmed, thereafter for the remainder of the term.
(2000, c. 927, § 2.1-815; 2001, c. 844, § 37.1-255; 2004, c. 169; 2005, c.716; 2009, cc. 813, 840.)