§ 37.2-428. Aiding and abetting in escapes.
It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of any hospital or trainingcenter or any other person to aid or abet in the escape or secretion of anylawfully admitted consumer of any hospital or training center, while theconsumer is in the hospital or training center or on a day pass, familyvisit, trial visit, bond or escapement, or to willfully fail or refuse toreturn a consumer on a day pass, family visit, or trial visit under his careand custody to any hospital or training center in which he is a consumer,having given written obligation to do so, when directed in writing to do soby the director of the hospital or training center. Any such officer oremployee of any hospital or training center or any other person is guilty ofa Class 1 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 37-228; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-151; 2005, c. 716.)