§ 37.2-505. Coordination of services for preadmission screening and dischargeplanning.
A. The community services board shall fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. Be responsible for coordinating the community services necessary toaccomplish effective preadmission screening and discharge planning forpersons referred to the community services board. When preadmission screeningreports are required by the court on an emergency basis pursuant to Article 5(§ 37.2-814 et seq.) of Chapter 8, the community services board shall ensurethe development of the report for the court. To accomplish this coordination,the community services board shall establish a structure and proceduresinvolving staff from the community services board and, as appropriate,representatives from (i) the state hospital or training center serving theboard's service area, (ii) the local department of social services, (iii) thehealth department, (iv) the Department of Rehabilitative Services office inthe board's service area, (v) the local school division, and (vi) otherpublic and private human services agencies, including licensed hospitals.
2. Provide preadmission screening services prior to the admission fortreatment pursuant to § 37.2-805 or Article 5 (§ 37.2-814 et seq.) of Chapter8 of any person who requires emergency mental health services while in a cityor county served by the community services board.
3. Provide, in consultation with the appropriate state hospital or trainingcenter, discharge planning for any person who, prior to admission, resided ina city or county served by the community services board or who chooses toreside after discharge in a city or county served by the board and who is tobe released from a state hospital or training center pursuant to § 37.2-837.The discharge plan shall be completed prior to the person's discharge. Theplan shall be prepared with the involvement and participation of the consumeror his representative and must reflect the consumer's preferences to thegreatest extent possible. The plan shall include the mental health, mentalretardation, substance abuse, social, educational, medical, employment,housing, legal, advocacy, transportation, and other services that theconsumer will need upon discharge into the community and identify the publicor private agencies that have agreed to provide these services.
No person shall be discharged from a state hospital or training centerwithout completion by the community services board of the discharge plandescribed in this subdivision. If state hospital or training center staffidentify a consumer as ready for discharge and the community services boardthat is responsible for the person's care disagrees, the community servicesboard shall document in the treatment plan within 30 days of the person'sidentification any reasons for not accepting the person for discharge. If thestate hospital or training center disagrees with the community services boardand the board refuses to develop a discharge plan to accept the person backinto the community, the state hospital or training center or the communityservices board shall ask the Commissioner to review the state hospital's ortraining center's determination that the person is ready for discharge inaccordance with procedures established by the Department in collaborationwith state hospitals, training centers, and community services boards. If theCommissioner determines that the person is ready for discharge, a dischargeplan shall be developed by the Department to ensure the availability ofadequate services for the consumer and the protection of the community. TheCommissioner also shall verify that sufficient state-controlled funds havebeen allocated to the community services board through the performancecontract. If sufficient state-controlled funds have been allocated, theCommissioner may contract with a private provider, another community servicesboard, or a behavioral health authority to deliver the services specified inthe discharge plan and withhold allocated funds applicable to that consumer'sdischarge plan from the community services board in accordance withsubsections C and E of § 37.2-508.
B. The community services board may perform the functions set out insubdivision A 1 in the case of children by referring them to the locality'sfamily assessment and planning team and by cooperating with the communitypolicy and management team in the coordination of services for troubledyouths and their families. The community services board may involve thefamily assessment and planning team and the community policy and managementteam, but it remains responsible for performing the functions set out insubdivisions A 2 and A 3 in the case of children.
(1980, c. 582, § 37.1-197.1; 1986, c. 609; 1992, cc. 837, 880; 1995, c. 844;1998, c. 680; 2002, c. 747; 2005, c. 716.)