§ 37.2-601. Behavioral health authorities; purpose.
The Department, for the purposes of establishing, maintaining, and promotingthe development of behavioral health services in the Commonwealth, mayprovide funds to assist certain cities or counties in the provision of theseservices.
The governing body of the Cities of Virginia Beach or Richmond or the Countyof Chesterfield may establish a behavioral health authority and shall declareits intention to do so by resolution.
The behavioral health services provided by behavioral health authoritieswithin the cities or counties they serve shall include emergency servicesand, subject to the availability of funds appropriated for them, casemanagement services. The behavioral health services may include acomprehensive system of inpatient, outpatient, day support, residential,prevention, early intervention, and other appropriate mental health, mentalretardation, and substance abuse services necessary to provide individualizedservices and supports to persons with mental illnesses, mental retardation,or substance abuse. Behavioral health authorities may establish crisisstabilization units that provide residential crisis stabilization services.
In order to provide comprehensive mental health, mental retardation, andsubstance abuse services within a continuum of care, the behavioral healthauthority shall function as the single point of entry into publicly fundedmental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services.
(1995, c. 693, §§ 15.1-1676, 15.1-1678; 1996, c. 861; 1997, c. 587, §§37.1-242, 37.1-244; 1998, c. 680; 2005, c. 716; 2010, c. 28.)