§ 37.2-602. Board of directors; appointment; membership.
A city or county, before it shall come within the provisions of this chapter,shall establish a behavioral health authority with a board of directors withno less than six and no more than 18 members. When any city or countyestablishes a behavioral health authority, the board of directors shall beappointed by the governing body of the city or county establishing theauthority. Prior to making appointments, the governing body shall disclosethe names of persons being considered for appointment.
Appointments to the board of directors shall be broadly representative of thecommunity. One-third of the appointments to the board shall be identifiedconsumers or former consumers or family members of consumers or formerconsumers, at least one of whom shall be a consumer receiving services. Oneor more appointments may be nongovernmental services providers. Sheriffs ortheir designees also shall be appointed, when practical.
No board of directors shall include more than two local government officials,elected or appointed, as members.
The board of directors appointed pursuant to this section shall beresponsible to the governing body of the city or county that established theauthority.
The county or city that establishes a behavioral health authority shallreceive an independent annual audit of the total revenues and expendituresfrom the authority, a copy of which shall be provided to the Department.
(1995, c. 693, § 15.1-1679; 1996, c. 861; 1997, c. 587, § 37.1-245; 1998, c.680; 2005, c. 716.)