§ 37.2-603. Board of directors; terms; vacancies; removal.
The term of office of each member of the behavioral health authority board ofdirectors shall be for three years from January 1 of the year of appointmentor, at the option of the governing body of the city or county, from July 1 ofthe year of appointment, except that of the members first appointed, severalshall be appointed for terms of one year each, several for terms of two yearseach, and the remaining members for terms of three years each. Theappointment of members for one-year, two-year, and three-year terms shall beas nearly equal as possible with regard to the total number of members. Ifthe governing body has appointed members for terms commencing January 1 orJuly 1 but desires to change the date on which the terms of office commence,the governing body may, as the terms of the members then in office expire,appoint successors for terms of two and one-half or three and one-half years,so that the terms expire on June 30 or December 31. Vacancies shall be filledfor unexpired terms in the same manner as original appointments. No personshall be eligible to serve more than three full consecutive three-year terms;however, persons appointed to fill vacancies may serve three additional fullconsecutive three-year terms. However, after a three-year period has elapsedsince the end of the member's last three-year term, the governing body mayreappoint that member. Any member of the board of directors may be removed bythe appointing authority for cause, after being given a written statement ofthe causes and an opportunity to be heard thereon.
(1995, c. 693, § 15.1-1680; 1996, c. 861; 1997, c. 587, § 37.1-246; 1998, c.680; 2005, c. 716; 2009, c. 400.)