§ 37.2-820. Place of hearing.
The hearing provided for pursuant to §§ 37.2-814 through 37.2-819 may beconducted by the district court judge or a special justice at the convenientfacility or other place open to the public provided for in § 37.2-809, if hedeems it advisable, even though the facility or place is located in a countyor city other than his own. In conducting such hearings in a county or cityother than his own, the judge or special justice shall have all of theauthority and power that he would have in his own county or city. A districtcourt judge or special justice of the county or city in which the facility orplace is located may conduct the hearing provided for in §§ 37.2-814 through37.2-819.
(1976, c. 671, § 37.1-67.4; 1981, c. 233; 1982, c. 435; 1986, c. 134; 1995,c. 844; 2005, c. 716.)