§ 37.2-833. Escape, sickness, death, or discharge of a person ordered to beinvoluntarily admitted while in custody; warrant for person escaping.
If any person who has been ordered to be involuntarily admitted to a facilityescapes, becomes too sick to travel, dies, or is discharged by due process oflaw while in the custody of a sheriff or other person, the sheriff or otherperson shall immediately notify the facility of that fact. If any person inthe custody of a sheriff or other person pursuant to the provisions of thischapter escapes, the sheriff or other person having that person in custodyshall immediately secure a warrant from any officer authorized to issuewarrants charging the individual with escape from lawful custody, directinghis apprehension, and stating what disposition shall be made of the personupon arrest.
(Code 1950, § 37-85; 1950, p. 908; 1954, c. 668; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-75;1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 2005, c. 716.)