§ 37.2-839. Exchange of information between community services boards orbehavioral health authorities and state facilities.
Community services boards or behavioral health authorities and statefacilities may, when the individual has refused authorization, exchange theinformation required to prepare and implement a comprehensive individualizedtreatment plan, including a discharge plan as specified in subsection A of §37.2-837. This section shall apply to all consumers of community servicesboards, behavioral health authorities, and state facilities.
When a consumer who is deemed suitable for discharge pursuant to subsection Aof § 37.2-837 or his guardian or conservator refuses to authorize the releaseof information that is required to formulate and implement a discharge planas specified in subsection A of § 37.2-837, then the community services boardor behavioral health authority may release without authorization to thoseservice providers and human service agencies identified in the discharge planonly the information needed to secure those services specified in the plan.
The release of any other consumer information to any agency or individual notaffiliated directly or by contract with community services boards, behavioralhealth authorities, or state facilities shall be subject to all regulationsadopted by the Board or by agencies of the United States government thatgovern confidentiality of patient information.
(1985, c. 87, § 37.1-98.2; 1999, c. 764; 2005, c. 716.)