§ 37.2-841. Admission of veteran to, or transfer to or from, a VeteransAffairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation.
Whenever it appears that a person with mental illness is a veteran eligiblefor treatment in a Veterans' Affairs hospital, center, or other facility orinstallation, the district court judge or special justice may, upon receiptof a certificate of eligibility from that hospital, center, or other facilityor installation, order the person to that hospital, center, or other facilityor installation, regardless of whether the person resides in Virginia. Anyveteran who has been or is in a state hospital and is eligible for treatmentin a Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation maybe transferred to a Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility orinstallation with the written consent of its manager. Any veteran admitted toa Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation, if heresided in Virginia prior to his admission and meets the criteria foradmission to a state hospital, may be transferred to a state hospital withthe written authorization of the Commissioner.
(Code 1950, § 37-73; 1950, p. 905; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-93; 2005, c. 716.)