§ 37.2-911. Petition for release; hearing; procedures.
A. The Commissioner may petition the committing court for conditional releaseof the committed respondent at any time he believes the committedrespondent's condition has so changed that he is no longer in need of secureinpatient treatment. The Commissioner may petition the committing court forunconditional release of the committed respondent at any time he believes thecommitted respondent's condition has so changed that he is no longer asexually violent predator. The petition shall be accompanied by a report ofclinical findings supporting the petition and by a conditional release ordischarge plan, as applicable, prepared by the Department. The committedrespondent may petition the committing court for release only once in eachyear in which no annual judicial review is required pursuant to § 37.2-910.The party petitioning for release shall transmit a copy of the petition tothe Attorney General and the Commissioner.
B. Upon the submission of a petition pursuant to this section, the committingcourt shall conduct the proceedings according to the procedures set forth in§ 37.2-910.
(1999, cc. 946, 985, § 37.1-70.12; 2001, c. 776; 2003, cc. 989, 1018; 2005,c. 716; 2009, c. 740.)