§ 38.2-124. Motor vehicle.
A. "Motor vehicle insurance" means insurance against:
1. Loss of or damage to motor vehicles, including trailers, semitrailers orother attachments designed for use in connection with motor vehicles,resulting from any cause, and against legal liability of the insured for lossor damage to the property of another resulting from the ownership,maintenance or use of motor vehicles and against loss, damage or expenseincident to a claim of such liability; or
2. Legal liability of the insured, and liability arising under subsection Aof § 38.2-2206 and against loss, damage, or expense incident to a claim ofsuch liability, arising out of the death or injury of any person resultingfrom the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles. Motor vehicleinsurance does not include any class of insurance specified in § 38.2-119.
B. Any policy of "motor vehicle insurance" covering legal liability of theinsured under subdivision 2 of subsection A and covering liability arisingunder subsection A of § 38.2-2206 may include appropriate provisionsobligating the insurer to pay to the covered injured person medical expenseand loss of income benefits arising out of the death or injury of any person,as set forth in subsection A of § 38.2-2201. Any such policy of motor vehicleinsurance may include appropriate provisions obligating the insurer to payweekly indemnity or other specific benefits to persons who are injured andspecific death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries or personalrepresentatives of persons who are killed, if the injury or death is causedby accident and sustained while in or upon, entering or alighting from, orthrough being struck by a motor vehicle while not occupying a motor vehicle.These provisions shall obligate the insurer to make payment regardless of anylegal liability of the insured or any other person.
(1952, c. 317, § 38.1-21; 1956, c. 678; 1962, c. 253; 1983, c. 448; 1984, c.311; 1986, c. 562; 1991, c. 4; 1996, c. 276.)