§ 38.2-1208. Additional requirements, foreign and alien reciprocals.
No foreign reciprocal shall be licensed to transact the business of insurancein this Commonwealth unless it has filed with the Commission a certificate ofthe supervising insurance official of the state in which it is organized. Thecertificate shall show that the foreign reciprocal is licensed to write andis writing actively in that state the class of insurance it proposes to writein this Commonwealth. No alien reciprocal shall be licensed to transact thebusiness of insurance until it has filed with the Commission a certificate ofthe supervising insurance official of (i) the state through which it enteredthe United States or (ii) the alien reciprocal's domiciliary country. Thecertificate shall show that the alien reciprocal is licensed to write and iswriting actively in that state or country the class of insurance it proposesto write in this Commonwealth.
(1952, c. 317, § 38.1-696; 1986, c. 562.)