§ 38.2-1306.1. Insurance companies' analyses confidential.
A. All regulatory or financial analyses, ratios and examination synopsesconcerning insurance companies or insurance transactions that are submittedto the Commission by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners(NAIC), including information generated by any NAIC databases developed foruse by regulators, shall be given confidential treatment, are not subject tosubpoena, and may not be made public by the Commission or any other person.
B. Financial analyses and test ratios generated by the Commission, pursuantto the NAIC's Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS) or FinancialAnalysis and Solvency Tracking (FAST) System, any successor program, or anysimilar program developed by the Commission, shall be given confidentialtreatment, are not subject to subpoena, and may not be made public by theCommission or any other person.
C. All working papers, recorded information, documents and copies thereofproduced by, obtained by, or disclosed to the Commission or any other personpursuant to this article shall be given confidential treatment, are notsubject to subpoena, and may not be made public by the Commission or anyother person, except to the extent provided in § 38.2-1306.
D. Notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary, nothing contained inthis chapter shall prevent or be construed as prohibiting the Commission fromdisclosing otherwise confidential information, administrative or judicialorders, or the content of any analysis or any matter related thereto, at anytime to (i) a regulatory official of any state or country; (ii) the NAIC, itsaffiliate or its subsidiary; or (iii) a law-enforcement authority of anystate or country, provided that those officials are required under their lawto maintain its confidentiality. Any such disclosure by the Commission shallnot constitute a waiver of confidentiality of any such documents orinformation. Any parties receiving such papers shall agree in writing priorto receiving the information to provide it the same confidential treatment asrequired by this section, unless the prior written consent of the company towhich it pertains has been obtained.
E. Documents or information received from the insurance regulatory officialsof any state or country which are confidential in those jurisdictions are notopen to public inspection and shall receive confidential treatment by theCommission.
(1987, c. 691; 1994, c. 308; 1996, c. 32; 2001, c. 519; 2007, c. 488.)