§ 38.2-1319. Expense of examination.
A. Any person examined shall be liable for the necessary traveling and otherexpenses reasonably attributable to the examiners or incurred by theCommission on account of its examination. The Commission may require theperson to pay either a reasonable living expense allowance or the actualliving expenses of an examiner, whichever the Commission determines to bemore appropriate. Where the examiner is other than a full-time employee ofthe Commission, the person may, in addition, be required to pay to theCommission's examiners, upon presentation of an itemized statement,consulting fees or a per diem compensation at a reasonable rate approved bythe Commission.
B. Where the examination concerns a person domiciled or having its homeoffice in this Commonwealth, the Commission may, at its discretion and forgood cause, waive payment of expenses.
C. If the Commission finds the accounts to be inadequate, or inadequatelykept or posted, it may employ experts to rewrite, post or balance them at theexpense of the person examined if that person has failed to complete orcorrect the accounts after notice and reasonable opportunity has been givenby the Commission.
(Code 1950, §§ 38-70, 38-125; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-176; 1986, c. 562; 1992,c. 588.)