§ 38.2-1320.2. Filing of report on examination.
Within thirty days of the end of the period allowed for the receipt ofwritten submissions, the Commission shall fully consider and review thereport, together with any written submissions and any relevant portions ofthe examiner's workpapers and act upon the report by:
1. Certifying that the examination report as initially provided to the personexamined, or with modifications or corrections, is the Commission's trueexamination report and filing such report in the offices of the Commission;
2. Rejecting the examination report with notice to the person examined thatthe Commission's examiners are being directed to reopen the examination forpurposes of obtaining additional data, documentation or information, andresubmission pursuant to § 38.2-1320.1; or
3. Calling for an investigatory hearing before the Commission with no lessthan ten days' notice to the company for purposes of obtaining additionaldocumentation, data, information and testimony.
(1992, c. 588.)