§ 38.2-1320.3. Examination reports; orders and procedures.
A. A certified copy of the examination report filed pursuant to subdivision 1of § 38.2-1320.2 shall be served upon the company by certified mail. Withinthirty days of the filing of the report, the company shall file affidavitsexecuted by each of its directors stating under oath that they have receiveda copy of the filed report and any related orders.
B. If the examination report reveals that the company is operating inviolation of any law, regulation or prior order of the Commission, theCommission may order the company to take any action the Commission considersnecessary and appropriate to cure such violation.
C. Any hearing conducted by the Commission under subdivision 2 of §38.2-1320.1 or subdivision 3 of § 38.2-1320.2 shall be conducted as anonadversarial confidential investigatory proceeding as necessary for theresolution of any inconsistencies, discrepancies or disputed issues apparentupon the face of the examination report or raised by or as a result of theCommission's review of relevant workpapers or by the written submission ofthe company.
(1992, c. 588.)