§ 38.2-1321.1. Immunity from liability.
A. No cause of action shall arise nor shall any liability be imposed againstthe Commission, the Commission's authorized representatives or any examinerappointed by the Commission for any statements made or conduct performed ingood faith while carrying out the provisions of this article.
B. No cause of action shall arise, nor shall any liability be imposed againstany person for the act of communicating or delivering information or data tothe Commission or the Commission's authorized representative or examinerpursuant to an examination made under this article, if such act ofcommunication or delivery was performed in good faith and without fraudulentintent or the intent to deceive.
C. This section does not abrogate or modify in any way any common law orstatutory privilege or immunity heretofore enjoyed by any person identifiedin subsection A of this section.
(1992, c. 588.)