§ 38.2-1364. Requirement to report to Commission.
A. Each licensed managing general agent shall report within thirty calendardays to the Commission and to any contracted insurer any change in businessor residence address or name.
B. In addition to the requirements of §§ 59.1-69 and 59.1-70, any individualor business entity licensed as a managing general agent in this Commonwealthand operating under an assumed or fictitious name shall notify theCommission, at the earlier of the time the application for a managing generalagent license is filed or within thirty calendar days from the date theassumed or fictitious name is adopted, setting forth the name under which themanaging general agent intends to operate in Virginia. The Commission shallalso be notified within thirty calendar days from the date of cessation ofthe use of such assumed or fictitious name.
C. Each licensed managing general agent convicted of a felony shall reportwithin thirty calendar days to the Commission the facts and circumstancesregarding the criminal conviction.
(2001, c. 706.)