§ 38.2-1871. Licensees exempt from continuing education requirements ofarticle.
A. Resident or nonresident agents who have been issued a license during thelast twelve months of the biennium in which such licenses are issued, and whoare not otherwise exempt from the continuing education requirements for thatlicense, shall be exempt from fulfilling the continuing education creditrequirements set forth in this article for that license for that biennium.
B. The following licensees are exempt from fulfilling the continuingeducation credit requirements set forth in this article:
1. Life and health insurance consultants who are also licensed both as lifeand annuities insurance agents and as health agents and who satisfy thecontinuing education requirements needed for continuation of their life andannuities and health agent licenses; and
2. Property and casualty insurance consultants who are also licensed asproperty and casualty agents and who satisfy the continuing educationrequirements needed for continuation of their property and casualty agentlicense.
C. The following licensees may request exemptions from continuing educationrequirements, but shall not be exempt unless such exemption is approved bythe Board after submission of an exemption request in the form and mannerrequired by the Board:
1. An agent who can prove, in the form and manner required by the Board, thathe has attained or will attain at least the age of sixty-five by the end of abiennium may apply for a permanent exemption with respect to one or morelicenses held by such agent, subject to submission of proof of the following,in a form and manner required by the Board:
a. A resident or nonresident agent must demonstrate that the agent has heldany combination of resident or nonresident Virginia licenses of equivalenttype continuously and without interruption for at least the twenty yearsimmediately preceding the end of the biennium; or
b. A resident agent who will have held a Virginia resident agent licensecontinuously and without interruption for no fewer than the immediatelypreceding four years by the end of the biennium must furnish proof of havingheld equivalent license authority continuously and without interruption inother states for a period that, when combined with the number of years ofresident licensure in Virginia, equals at least twenty continuous anduninterrupted years immediately preceding the end of the biennium; or
c. A resident agent who will have held a Virginia resident licensecontinuously and without interruption for no fewer than the immediatelypreceding four years by the end of the biennium shall furnish proof (i) ofhaving held equivalent license authority in Virginia for at least twenty ofthe preceding thirty years; and (ii) that any unlicensed period was not theresult of a license revocation or termination by the Commission pursuant to §38.2-1832 or § 38.2-1869; and
2. Nonresident agents who furnish evidence in the form and manner required bythe Board of their current good standing in their home state, provided thatthe insurance supervisory official of the nonresident agent's home state willgrant similar exemptions to Virginia residents.
(1992, c. 570; 1994, c. 175; 1996, c. 159; 1997, c. 583; 2000, c. 522; 2001,cc. 32, 706.)