§ 38.2-1872. Administrative duties of Board; transfer to outsideadministrator.
A. The Board shall have the authority to transfer all or part of itsadministrative duties to an outside administrator. The performance of theadministrator shall be confirmed at least annually by the Board andappropriate corrective action shall be taken for any deficiencies. Suchadministrator shall maintain records reflecting the continuing educationstatus of all licensed agents reporting credits to it, subject to therequirements of this article.
B. The Board or its administrator shall, following the end of each bienniumand on a date and in a form acceptable to the Commission but in no eventlater than fifteen calendar days following the end of the appeal periodprovided by the Board pursuant to § 38.2-1869, provide to the Commission areport of all licensees who satisfied the requirements of this article forsuch biennium. The Board or its administrator shall not, however, be requiredto include in such report those licensees exempt pursuant to subsection A of§ 38.2-1871. The administrative termination of licenses, as required bysubsection D of § 38.2-1869 shall be carried out by operation of law.
C. The Board or its administrator shall be provided such information from theCommission's records as the Board may reasonably require in order to carryout its duties, including, but not limited to, (i) requesting and receivingfrom the Commission computer-generated reports, mailing labels, or othercomputer-generated information containing the names, license identificationnumbers, license types, and residence addresses of all licensees subject tothe requirements of this article; and (ii) direct on-line access to suchautomated system data as the Commission may deem appropriate.
(1992, c. 570; 1996, c. 159; 1998, c. 46; 2000, c. 522; 2001, c. 706.)