§ 38.2-1926. Action of Commission upon request for hearing on order ordecision made without a hearing.
A. Any person aggrieved by an order or a decision of the Commission madeunder this chapter without a hearing may, within thirty days after notice ofthe order or decision, make a written request to the Commission for a hearingon that order or decision. Within a reasonable time after the request theCommission, after having given not less than ten days' written notice of thetime and place of hearing, shall hear the person aggrieved by the order ordecision. Within a reasonable time after the hearing the Commission shallaffirm, reverse or modify its previous action, specifying its reasons for theaffirmation, reversal or modification.
B. Pending the hearing and decision on its previous action, the Commissionmay suspend or postpone the effective date of the order or decision to whichthe hearing relates.
(1973, c. 504, § 38.1-279.54; 1986, c. 562.)