§ 38.2-2213.1. Certain action prohibited when motor vehicle owner fails toallow access to recorded data from recording device.
No insurer or agent shall reduce coverage, increase the insured's premium,apply a surcharge, refuse to apply a discount other than a discount that isbased on data recorded by a recording device as defined in § 46.2-1088.6,place in a less favorable tier, refuse to place in the company's best tier,or when there are multiple companies available within a group of insurers,fail to place in the most favorably priced company solely because a motorvehicle owner refuses to allow an insurer access to recorded data as definedin § 46.2-1088.6 from a recording device as defined in § 46.2-1088.6.However, nothing in this section shall prohibit an insurer from charging anactuarially sound rate in accordance with subdivision A 3 of § 38.2-1904.
(2006, cc. 851, 889.)