§ 38.2-2300. Conditions; permitted contracts; approval.
A. Legal services insurance may be offered in this Commonwealth subject tothe following conditions:
1. Premium rates shall be made in accordance with Chapter 19 (§ 38.2-1900 etseq.) of this title.
2. No policy of legal services insurance may be delivered or issued fordelivery in this Commonwealth unless it contains a provision that the insurershall issue to the person in whose name the policy is issued, for delivery toeach insured, a certificate summarizing the essential features of theinsurance coverage and to whom benefits under the policy are payable. Ifdependents are included in the coverage, only one certificate need be issuedfor each family unit.
B. An insurer authorized to transact legal services insurance in thisCommonwealth may, in connection with the implementation and operation of anylegal services insurance program, contract with any person that offers andmanages a group legal services insurance plan, including a state, city,county, or circuit bar association; or any person permitted to practice lawin this Commonwealth.
C. The Commission shall not approve any legal services insurance contract if,after providing notice and opportunity to be heard, the Commission finds thatthe contract violates any law of this Commonwealth.
(1976, c. 636, § 38.1-389.4; 1986, c. 562.)