§ 38.2-2408. Guaranteed arrest bond certificate to be accepted in lieu ofcash bail in event of violation of motor vehicle laws.
Any guaranteed arrest bond certificate for which a fidelity and suretyinsurer has become surety as provided in § 38.2-2407 shall be accepted as abail bond in lieu of cash bail when posted by the person whose signatureappears on it. The guaranteed arrest bond certificate shall be accepted as aguarantee of the person's appearance in any court, including general districtcourts, in this Commonwealth at the court appointed time. The bond may beposted for any person arrested for violation of any motor vehicle law of thisCommonwealth or ordinance of any municipality in this Commonwealth committedprior to the date of expiration shown on the guaranteed arrest bondcertificate. However, the bond may not be posted for the offense of drivingwhile intoxicated or for any felony. Any guaranteed arrest bond certificateposted as a bail bond in any court in this Commonwealth shall be subject tothe forfeiture and enforcement provisions for bail bonds posted in criminalcases as set forth in Chapter 9 (§ 19.2-119 et seq.) of Title 19.2. Anyguaranteed arrest bond certificate posted as a bail bond in any generaldistrict court in this Commonwealth shall be subject to the forfeiture andenforcement provisions of this chapter or ordinance of the particularmunicipality pertaining to bail bonds posted.
(1952, c. 186; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-644.2; 1986, c. 562.)