§ 38.2-2514. Procedure upon exclusion of member.
If any member is excluded from the insurer as provided in this article, theinsurer shall note upon its records the exclusion of the member, thecancellation of his insurance policies, and the date of the exclusion. Theinsurer shall notify the member by mail of the exclusion and cancellation,and after at least five days have elapsed from the mailing of the notice, thepolicy shall no longer be effective and all further liability of the insurerunder the policy shall cease. Proper notification shall be deemed to havebeen effected if the notice is deposited with the United States PostalService and mailed to the member at his address as shown on the records ofthe insurer. If the bylaws or the policy provide that a member's policy shallbe void without any notice if the member neglects or refuses to pay anyassessment, that provision shall be valid and the notice required in thissection need not be given. Upon the cancellation of the insurance or upon thepolicy becoming void, the member shall be entitled to receive from theinsurer a repayment of an equitable portion of any premium, fee or assessmentwhich was paid in advance.
(Code 1950, §§ 38-537, 38-538; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-671; 1986, c. 562.)