§ 38.2-2612. Unfair trade practices.
In addition to the provisions of Chapter 5 (§ 38.2-500) of this title, theCommission may order any home protection company or its representatives tocease and desist from engaging in the following unfair trade practices:
1. The making of any false or misleading statements, either oral or written,in connection with the sale, offer to sell, or advertisement of a homeprotection contract;
2. The omission of any material statement in connection with the sale, offerto sell, or advertisement of a contract that under the circumstances shouldhave been made in order to make the statements that were made not misleading;
3. The making of any statement that the purchase of a home protectioncontract is mandatory;
4. The making of any false or misleading statements, either oral or written,about the benefits or services available under the contract;
5. The failure to perform the services promised under the contract in atimely, competent, or workmanlike manner; or
6. Any statement or practice which has the effect of creating or maintaininga fraud.
(1981, c. 530, § 38.1-942; 1986, c. 562.)