§ 38.2-2627. Enforcement.
A. The Commission may take all administrative action as specified and setforth in subsections A and B of § 38.2-219, and § 38.2-220. Nothing in thisarticle shall infer or be construed to create a private right or cause ofaction.
B. A person who is found to have violated this article or orders of theCommission may be assessed a penalty in an amount determined by theCommission of not more than $500 per violation and no more than $10,000 inthe aggregate for all violations of a similar nature. For purposes of thissection, violations shall be of a similar nature if the violation consists ofthe same or similar course of conduct, action, or practice, irrespective ofthe number of times the act, conduct, or practice that is determined to be aviolation of this article occurred.
C. The Commission may, after notice and opportunity to be heard, suspend,revoke, refuse to issue or renew any person's license for any violation ofthis article.
D. Home service contract providers shall be subject to the provisions ofChapter 15 (§ 38.2-1500 et seq.) of this title.
(2006, c. 634.)