§ 38.2-2711. Immunity from liability; reports, etc., not public documents.
A. There shall be no liability on the part of, and no cause of action shallarise against any insurer, any inspection service, the residual marketfacility, the joint underwriting association, or their directors, governingcommittee members, officers, agents or employees, or the Commission or itsauthorized representatives, for any action taken by them in good faith in theperformance of their powers and duties under this chapter, nor for anyinspections undertaken or statements made by them (i) in any reports andcommunications concerning the property insured or to be insured, (ii) at thetime of the hearings conducted in connection with the property insured or tobe insured, or (iii) in the findings required by this chapter.
B. The reports and communications of an inspection bureau service, theresidual market facility, and the joint underwriting association shall not bepublic documents.
(1968, c. 559, § 38.1-753; 1985, c. 401; 1986, c. 562.)