§ 38.2-2712. Appeal from decision of inspection service, residual marketfacility or joint underwriting association.
Any person aggrieved by any action or decision of an inspection service, theresidual market facility, or the joint underwriting association may appeal tothe Commission within thirty days from the action or the decision. TheCommission shall provide the aggrieved person and the inspection service, theresidual market facility, or the joint underwriting association anopportunity to be heard on not less than ten days' written notice. TheCommission shall then issue an order (i) approving the action or decision,(ii) disapproving the action or decision, or (iii) directing the inspectionservice, the residual market facility or the joint underwriting associationto reinspect the property, or place the application or cause it to be placedpursuant to its plan of operation, whichever is appropriate.
(1968, c. 559, § 38.1-754; 1986, c. 562.)