§ 38.2-2803. Directors.
A. The association shall be governed by a board of fourteen directors. Twodirectors shall be appointed by each of the following three insuranceindustry trade associations: (i) the American Insurance Association; (ii) theAlliance of American Insurers; and (iii) the National Association ofIndependent Insurers. The Commission shall appoint two directors to representinsurers not affiliated with the insurance industry trade associations listedabove. One director shall be appointed by each of the following two agenttrade associations: (a) the Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia; and (b)the Professional Insurance Agents Association of Virginia and the District ofColumbia. Two directors shall be appointed by the Medical Society of Virginiaand two directors shall be appointed by the Virginia Hospital and HealthcareAssociation.
B. If any of the foregoing associations fail to appoint a director ordirectors within a reasonable period of time, the Commission shall have thepower to make the appointments.
(1976, c. 85, § 38.1-777; 1986, c. 562.)