§ 38.2-320. Insurer to furnish forms for proof of loss.
Whenever notice of any loss or damage has been given to the insurer or itsagent, the insurer shall, upon written request, deliver to the insured or tothe person to whom the benefits are payable the forms for such preliminaryproof of loss or damage as may be required under the policy. Such forms shallbe delivered within fifteen days after written request has been made ormailed to the insurer by the insured or person to whom benefits are payable.The failure or refusal of an insurer or its agent to deliver such formswithin fifteen days of written request shall be deemed a waiver of anycondition, stipulation or provision in the policy requiring preliminary proof.
(Code 1950, § 38-11; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-345; 1986, c. 562.)