§ 38.2-3327. Entire contract; statements deemed representations.
A. Each group life insurance policy shall contain a provision that the policyand any application of the policyowner, and any individual applications ofthe persons insured shall constitute the entire contract between the parties.
B. The provision shall also state that:
1. A copy of any application of the policyowner shall be attached to thepolicy when issued;
2. All statements made by the policyowner or by the persons insured shall bedeemed representations and not warranties; and
3. No written statement made by any person insured shall be used in anycontest unless a copy of the statement has been furnished to the person, hisbeneficiary or his personal representative.
(Code 1950, § 38-429(2); 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-426; 1960, c. 273; 1986, c.562.)