§ 38.2-3414. Optional coverage for obstetrical services.
A. Each insurer proposing to issue a group hospital policy or a group majormedical policy in this Commonwealth and each corporation proposing to issuegroup hospital, group medical or group major medical subscription contractsshall provide coverage for obstetrical services as an option available to thegroup policyholder or the contract holder in the case of benefits based upontreatment as an inpatient in a general hospital. The reimbursement forobstetrical services by a physician shall be based on the charges for theservices determined according to the same formula by which the charges aredeveloped for other medical and surgical procedures. Such coverage shallhave durational limits, dollar limits, deductibles and coinsurance factorsthat are no less favorable than for physical illness generally.
B. This section shall not apply to short-term travel, accident only, limitedor specified disease, or individual conversion policies or contracts, nor topolicies or contracts designed for issuance to persons eligible for coverageunder Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, known as Medicare, or any othersimilar coverage under state or federal governmental plans.
(1978, c. 375, § 38.1-348.9; 1986, c. 562.)